Friday, February 21, 2014

Holding on to the Promise

"And you, dear brothers and sisters, are children of the promise, just like Isaac. But you are now being persecuted by those who want you to keep the law, just as Ishmael, the child born by human effort, persecuted Isaac, the child born by the power of the Spirit. But what do the Scriptures say about that? 'Get rid of the slave and her son, for the son of the slave woman will not share the inheritance with the free woman’s son.' So, dear brothers and sisters, we are not children of the slave woman; we are children of the free woman." (Galatians 4:28-31 NLT)
We've been discussing Galatians during our weekly Bible Study.  Chapter four references Abraham and his seed of promise, Isaac, vs his seed born under the law (his attempt to obtain the promise through human effort), Ishmael.  I was thinking a lot about the promise God made to Abraham; how it took many years to fulfill; how all earthly possibility was gone; how Abraham ultimately tried to make it happen on his own; and how his action had a lasting impact on humanity. I realized on a deeper level the importance of believing God and letting HIM fulfill His promise in our lives, and how Satan's schemes to divert us from God's promises are a daily occurance in ways we are not always aware.
Here are some of my thoughts:)
When God tells you something, don't listen to your own reasoning, your mind, your thoughts; hold on to the promise God put in your heart; take captive every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of God (thoughts that say they know better than God). Literally choose to not dwell on those thoughts. Say, "those thoughts are not my thoughts and those feelings are not my feelings." (something my Dad taught me:) 
"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ," (2 Corinthians 10:4, 5 NKJV)
Thoughts from the enemy (anything that contradicts God) become strongholds if you dwell on them. These thoughts come from the principalities of darkness; they are not the truth, therefore they are arguments against the truth. We Demolish strongholds and arguments of they enemy by not entertaining thoughts of doubt.
"...let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." (Romans 12:2 NLT)
We must protect the seed of faith & promise that God has planted in us, not allowing strongholds to choke the seed and prevent it from bearing fruit.
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. (Proverbs 4:23 NLT)"
"Guard you heart..." Your heart is where God plants seeds of promise. It is a garden that He has given you to steward. Your heart "determines the course of your life"!
This is our weapon against the enemy. His only tactic in life is to convince us that what God said isn't really true, planting seeds of doubt in our hearts. Take what he said to Adam & Eve,
"Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'? ...You will not certainly die... For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:1, 4-5 NIV)
The devil doesn't just provide another option like, "oh I think this is a good idea," he actually attacks God's authority, questioning His word. First he questions, then he blatantly contradicts it ("you will not die"), and then he says he has a better idea. His goal is to convince us that God doesn't know what He's talking about to create suspicion in our hearts against God.
God is always speaking to us. Consequently, Satan will always try to convince us that God is a liar. How twisted is that? We know God is a God of truth; therefore, anything even remotely contrary is a LIE. We must protect what God tells us (His promises) as the most precious treasure, above anything; we must guard it with our lives.

Thankfully, even when we make mistakes and doubt God (and we've ALL done it), He is so faithful and merciful to us. He always turns our mess into something good!

Oh how He loves us!

The Musicianary Midwife (in the making),
Hannah Garrett

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I have been reminded the past few weeks of the challenge God gave me when He told me to commit to internship.  He challenged me to embrace SACRIFICE.  At the time I didn't understand the fine-print of what internship or sacrifice would look like, but the picture is now unfolding before me... 

Sacrifice the closeness of family  -- I was reminded of how I miss one of my dear cousins; how I'll see her only three times this year, maybe less.  Same with the rest of my family, unless they come down to visit. 

Sacrifice the security of salary  -- I have NO CLUE where my rent money will come from for next month (or the rest of the year) other than the fact that God WILL provide.  And the fact that I'm basically helpless (apart from God) because I have no means or option of supporting myself.

Sacrifice convenience -- I have been daily reminded of the luxury running water is.  Several pipes burst on campus during the cold spell in early January and my apartment still has no running water after almost 3 weeks.  Thankfully my roommates and I can go to other apartments or the dorms to do dishes, take showers, etc.  I have been counting my blessings!

Sacrifice selfish desires and pride -- Oh, the joys of living in community!  Friction and confrontation are unavoidable.  I can try to hide in my fears, but it won't be long before I must deal with things.  Community living forces me to humble and submit myself, not allow myself to be offended, and put others needs and desires above my own. 

Sacrifice independence and control -- I was reminded that I no longer have complete control over my life.  I must follow schedule, submit to authority, report my productivity, etc.  Sometimes the rules insult my pride and independence.  But that pride has to go and I know if I really apply myself, great character will be formed in me this year. 

The truth is, all these realities I will experience in even greater measure when I become an overseas missionary -- what I've always dreamed of.  I will be far, far away from my family for years; I will have to trust God for much more than a few hundred dollars; I will surely live with unreliable water and power sources; I will be living in community of some sort that may not be as loving and gracious as this; and I will never have complete control over my life as long as I follow HIM! 

The funny thing is, I have to keep reminding myself that I AM a missionary! This isn't only training for the mission field, this IS the mission field and I am a missionary here and now!

I am so encouraged because God is doing a GREAT work in me.  I can feel it!  My faith is more tangible than ever because I am desparate for Him.  I am literally dependant on Him for everything, every day.  I can't wait to share with you all the testimonies of the provision and the miracles He is going to do!  You can't have a testimony without a test...  So as long as I persevere, I am bound to have a testimony.  :)

The Musicianary Midwife (in the grinder....)
Hannah Garrett

Monday, January 27, 2014

Video Update

Hello, hello:) ....drumroll.... Here is the long awaited video from Hannah and Davina! Woohoo!  Please share this with your family and friends and anyone who you think may be interested in what we're doing in Nashville.  We are praying for Prayerful & Financial Partners.  We SO appreciate ALL of YOU!!!

                                                                                      (Video credits to my sweet Daddy)

Monday, January 13, 2014


Here I am! --sitting on my porch overlooking Clinton St in Nashville, TN.  This is my new home!  Almost everyone is here and we're getting ready for our new lives as musicianaries (musicians + missionaries) in the Hood.  Tomorrow we will get the run-down for the week, maybe a little sneak peak into the year, and our individual jobs will be assigned to us.  I am eagerly waiting to have a clearer picture of what my life will be like in 2014.  :) 

(May apartment is the top right.  I share with two lovely ladies!)

I have to admit...  More than once the thought popped into my head,
"Hannah, what on EARTH are you getting yourself into?!  Basically signing your life away for a solid year, not having a CLUE what the details are of where it will take you, and not only having virtually no money, but not even being able to provide for yourself...?  I  mean, who would do that to themselves????"
Well, the answer is simple.  Many in history have taken this risk in order to follow God in obedience to His will, and I am no exception.  Take Abraham for instance.  God literally tells him, "Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you."  (Genesis 12:1)  He didn't even know where he was going, let alone what he would do there.  God told him to go and he went.  No questions asked.  "...So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him..."  (Genesis 12:4)

If we really think about it, as Christians, we never really know what the final outcome will be from an act of obedience -- if our lives are fully surrendered to Him.  He typically only shows us one puzzle piece at a time.  In retrospect we see that He carefully planned every step, but in the moment it seems ludicrous to march around a city seven times, to send home over 90% of your army, or even walk naked for three years.  (Exodus 6:15, Judges 7:2-8, Isaiah 20:3)

Sometimes fear and control get in the way and cause us to reject the Lord's plan because it's not going the way WE want it to...  Yet, how can we so easily forget that full surrender to God's will is the only way to escape complete disaster?  We know all too well the story of Jonah.  I know I can't hide from God, but I certainly don't want to run from Him! 

The truth is, if I would have run from God and His call back to Nashville, I would have a storm raging inside me right now.  There would be no peace, there would be no excitement and anticipation; there would be no hope or purpose.  I would be thrown and tossed by the waves of directionlessness, until finally I throw myself overboard in full surrender.  Then God would somehow swallow me up and take me to the horizon of Nashville.  God doesn't have a plan B.  Either you submit to His plan, or He gets you there the hard and fishy way.  I know for a FACT God would bring me right back here, no matter how much I might have kicked and screamed.

Thankfully, I didn't put up a fight.  I know I am in His will!  And that's exactly where I want to be -- not in the belly of a smelly fish...  I have hope; I have purpose and direction.  I have SO much anticipation because I know that God takes pride in what He does and He wants to use ME!!! 

Even if this were a horrible place to live with the worst case scenario, I would still be content to be in His will.  I heard a story today of an old missionary lady who said she is happy everywhere she goes, because Jesus is in her heart and He is her home!  I couldn't agree more.  Thankfully, this is far from the worst case scenario at the Foundry.  Though some things are tough (i.e. my apartment hasn't had water for days) I am surrounded by a loving, encouraging community of people who Love God and Serve People.  This is home!

...And so Hannah departed as the Lord had spoken to her, and Davina went with her.  And Hannah was 22 years old when she departed from Winchester, KY...  then Hannah took Davina her sister, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and they departed to go to the land of Nashville, TN.  So they came to the land of Nashville...  :)

Until next time,
Hannah Garrett (The Musicianary Midwife)